Demonstrators across the country have legally assembled in public following the egregious police killings of Black people that likely would not have happened if they were white.
But video after video recorded at protest after protest regardless of the location show that police have been equal opportunists with their brutality and dished out violence against people from all backgrounds and ages.
Before the high profile killings of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Breonna Taylor in Lousiville, Kentucky, and Ahmaud Arbery in Brunswick, Georgia, police had been mostly wielding their brutal violence on Black people amid the coronavirus pandemic that was disproportionately affecting their communities.
Cops were regularly being recorded terrorizing Black people for not adhering to social distancing guidelines while photos showed white people guilty of the same thing being carefully attended to by officers.
While cops for centuries have displayed preferential treatment toward white people, that courtesy does not seem to be extended during the nationwide protests that have seen people from all backgrounds unite against the scourge of police violence.