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Pastor at Arima boy's funeral: Pray for your children - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

Parents are being urged to continue praying for their children to help prepare them for the dangers ahead in life.

The call was made at the funeral for 11-year-old Christian Liverpool in Arima on Friday afternoon.

Liverpool died at his Bellamy Street, Cocorite Road, Arima home last on January 28 after he was shot in his face with a Smith & Wesson pistol he found at the house.

Homicide investigators suspect the wound was self-inflicted.

[caption id="attachment_938006" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Lyndon Liverpool, the father of 11-year-old Christian Liverpool, is consoled at his funeral at the Melodians Steel Orchestra panyard in Malabar on Friday. - AYANNA KINSALE[/caption]

During a viewing ceremony after the official service at the Melodians Steel Orchestra panyard near his home, pastor Jonathan Walkins of the Malabar New Testament Church of God told parents they need to look out for their children and offer spiritial support to them.

Noting the spate of murders and violence in TT, Walkins said prayer was needed now more than ever.

"Those who are expecting children, put your hand on your womb and pray becasue you don't know what your child is coming to meet.

"Little children I want to tell you to honour your father and mother, young girls (and) young men honour your father and mother.

"You see who are the most murder victims today in the world? Young people.

"I bury plenty young people who got bullets.

[caption id="attachment_938008" align="alignnone" width="1024"] - AYANNA KINSALE[/caption]

"This was an incident with Christian, but I believe he's gone to be with the Lord."

Walkins, who has performed services for the Liverpool family before, recalled meeting and interacting with Christian and remembered him as a bright, inquisitive child who was well-loved.

Christian’s cousin Shinnell Liverpool also called on mourners not to forget the effect he had on their lives.

"I want everybody to take this, not as a tragedy but, as a message that all of us need to come closer to God.

"Put animosity and hatred aside. He didn't leave a footprint, he left a mark, a memory and he left everyone to remember one thing – to keep peace within your hearts."

At the official funeral service at the Church of the Holy Spirit Malabar RC earlier, lay minister Dorothia Reyes said Christian's death reminded her of the death of another child when she was younger. She urged mourners to find comfort in knowing Christian was in a better place.

She also urged Christian's relatives to remember his innocence.


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