When the governor established a statewide stay-at-home order, this signaled to many that he was making an effort to put people and public health before business.
The Governor’s confidence in the roll-out of phase-one was based on assessments done by the Maryland Department of Health which tracked data surrounding hospitalizations.
While hospitalization has plateaued, and at times, made dedicated decreases over the last few weeks, the Maryland Department of Health data offers receipts that make it very clear now is not the time to let up on strict social distancing and restrictions on non-essential activities.
While Blacks make up 30 percent of the Maryland population, they account for 40 percent of COVID confirmed cases and 43 percent of deaths, for which data is available.
Yet again, Black communities are disproportionately the hardest hit across the state and stand to be further exposed to COVID, hospitalization and related death as a result of the governor’s Executive Order.