Mass testing for Covid-19 kicked off in China with all residents required to produce proof of residence, and valid visas for foreigners which entitled them to testing catered for by their monthly contribution towards the government medical scheme.
Public health and law enforcement agents did not entirely ace the manner in which foreigners of African descent were treated in the wake of the mass testing exercise in Guangzhou that kicked off late March, as it is believed some did not possess valid visas or work permits.
In comparison to China, Germany and South Korea have impeccably managed to contain the spread and infection cases after making a series of damning mistakes while combating similar epidemics that preceded the novel coronavirus
From these epidemics, both Germany and South Korea saw the need for early testing and the isolation of the infected patients to avoid secondary infections.
Similarly, China, South Korea and Germany have a written infectious-disease-prevention legislation that allows medical practitioners to use available diagnostic kits during a public health emergency and warrantless access to geolocation data from suspected infected cases to expand contact tracing.