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Nweze Simon, Piparo's little egg farmer - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

Even though Nweze Simon is only seven years old, he is already an expert in egg farming and the face of his family's business called Eggs by Sio.

On some weekends, you may find him raising chickens and collecting eggs at his family’s egg farm in Piparo.

But every Saturday, you are sure to find him at the La Horquetta Farmers’ Market interacting with customers and proudly selling the eggs he helped farm.

Newsday Kids recently caught up with Simon to learn more about his experience as an egg farmer.

He told Newsday Kids, “The most fun thing is feeding the chicks and I feel good about everything.

“So far, I’ve learnt a lot about agriculture, business and selling in the market.”

While Simon and his family live in Malabar, they have farmland in Piparo.

[caption id="attachment_931531" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Seven-year-old Nweze Simon offers his eggs for sale at the La Horquetta Farmers' Market. - PHOTO BY ROGER JACOB[/caption]

So when his dad Akinola Simon mentioned that the land would be converted to an egg farm in June, Simon was on-board with the idea from the start.

He helped with constructing the farm and oversaw the arrival of the first set of chicks. He even modelled for a photoshoot to make a logo for the business.

“Now I help feed the chicks mash (chicken feed). I use a scoop to scoop up the mash from the bag.

“I do have to go in the pen to feed them but I don’t feel scared. I also clean and weigh the eggs.”

When Simon started selling the eggs with his dad at the La Horquetta Farmers' Market in October, he was scared.

But given he’s been selling for several months, he’s now more comfortable talking to customers and even gets excited at times.

Simon said his friends support him and think that it’s cool he’s the face of his family’s business.

His advice to other children if they want to start a business?

"Don’t be scared and just be yourself.”

But while Simon is a hard worker and dedicated to his family’s business, he also finds time to relax.

He enjoys riding his bike, playing with his god-brother Jahien Charles and playing many car racing games on his tablet.

[caption id="attachment_931532" align="alignnone" width="1024"] One of the many crates of eggs from Eggs by Sio on sale at the La Horquetta Farmers' Market. - PHOTO BY ROGER JACOB[/caption]

A standard one student at St Hilary's Preparatory School in Arima, Simon isn’t quite sure what he wants to be as yet but he does know he wants to continue operating the family’s business.

His father told Newsday Kids he’s proud of his son’s involvement in the business and he will continue to encourage him to learn more.

“He was very interested in the early stages of the business because the chicks were interesting to him, so he wanted to be there as often as possible.

“I’m very happy and very proud of him to be quite honest. Yes, the initiative would have been a family one but the fact that he’s taken to it so well, and has been consistent, is heart-warming.”


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