There will be no ceremonial opening or trials by jury in circuit courts, as the nation's court system imposes restrictions to reduce the spread of COVID-19, amid tomorrow's commencement of a phased reopening of courts across the country.
This includes no ceremonial opening of any circuit court and no trial by jury in the circuit courts up to July 31.
Trials that can be heard without a jury will proceed as scheduled, provided they can be conducted while observing the health protocols issued by the Ministry of Health and Wellness, the Court Administration Division says.
"Efforts will be made, as far as possible, given the resource limitations, the need to preserve
security and, the rules relating to privacy of certain matters, to facilitate public access to
proceedings in open court by virtual technology," the Court Administration Division said.
"While we recognise the fundamental principle of open justice, and continue to seek to give
effect to this principle in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become necessary
to restrict access to all court buildings to only those persons with matters before the courts
until further notice," it added.