Several state-owned entities (SOEs) have been meeting their obligations to produce up-to-date and audited financial statements of their operations, however, the Auditor General has identified many SOEs that have failed to produce audited financial statements for years.Auditor General Leigh Trotman noted that private sector auditors conduct a number of these audits even though the Constitution requires the Auditor General to be the auditor of ministries, departments and government-controlled entities.In his report on the status of audits conducted by private sector auditors, he cited in one case where the Rural Development Commission (RDC) had not produced audited accounts for a decade.Trotman said the RDC , which was formed in 1995, had no audited accounts forthcoming from 2010 to 2021. The entity told the Auditor General in the past that its audited financials for the year ending March 31, 2009, were “being finalized”. It reported the same state of affairs again.