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Next election won’t be close - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: The next general election results will be known among the population long before the election is held. Already many are aware of the results in their hearts. It will be an overwhelming support for a new party representing the best minds in TT. This will be the beginning of the end of racial and divisive voter patterns.

At this time this may not seem possible as there are many fractions with similar ideas all seeking to fill the political vacuum left by the two major political parties. Confronted with the real possibility that this time around the people are willing to vote outside their traditional bases, the many aspirants to office are getting busy.

Some are already looking at Cabinet posts. Unfortunately, their approach is wrong and sooner rather than later they will recognise that the ultimate solution, the only solution that will energise the masses and start the restructuring of our country, is a coming together of our best political aspirants.

At this time many are motivated by the possibility of being prime minister. Others are motivated by the opportunity for their friends and supporters to enter the corridors of power, while some see financial gain as a possibility. Those too will quickly conclude that the people will not tolerate that kind of politics anymore.

The new government would be people of various skills and professions, of different ages, races and locations, all coming together to build a uniquely patriotic, powerful, intelligent and sincere organisation. Moreover, this group will have legitimacy because it would be people-approved.

The major reason why this group has not yet come together is leadership. Almost every patriot with great ideas thinks he or she is the best candidate to lead TT forward. That is a terrible place to start. The leader of this new group must represent the interests of all the people of TT and therefore must be chosen by them. When you see the leaders come together in a debate for the leadership of this new group, that would be the signal of the birth of a new day, a new dawn, a bright and wonderful future for the country.

No self-appointed leader can ever have the type of support required for the transition to a better tomorrow. While some may argue against such a debate as divisive or impractical, it is the only way to legitimacy.

Recently in the US the Republican Party had a debate among 17 possible leaders before emerging successful. Similarly, the Democrats had a similar debate starting with 29 possible leaders. Their leader eventually won the election as well.

TT will see such a debate. The leader will emerge. He or she will motivate the masses and the road to recovery will begin.

This is the beginning of the good times.


via e-mail

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