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Malian Ex-president IBK Freed by Junta NCSP | Africanews

Released Post-ECOWAS and UNA Calls

Former Malian President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta has been released. He is now back at his private residence in the Sebenikoro neighbourhood after being freed on Thursday by the junta - now going by The National Committee for the Salvation, who staged a coup d’état to have him step down from power last week and consequently detained him along with prime minister Boubou Cissé at a military base in Kita. An official statement published on the NCSP Facebook page reads, “The National Committee for the Salvation of the People set up by the military to lead the country, informs the national and international public opinion that former President Ibrahim Boubakar Keïta has been released and is currently at his residence."

In addition, the group’s spokesperson, Captain Djibrila Maïga declared, "President IBK is free of his movements, he is at home."

The United Nations, along with The Economic Community of West African States — chaired by the president of Niger, Mahamadou Issoufou, had called for the safe release of the ex-president last week, placing the responsibility of the ex-president’s security and safety in the hands of the coup leaders.


The resignation of IBK, as he is commonly referred, came after 3-month long protests by the M5 opposition movement based on frustrations with a failing economy, corrupt government and years-long Islamist insurgency plaguing the nation. The NCSP has stated their intention of setting up a council to oversee the general elections as soon as possible in order to appoint a transitional president — whether that be civil or military and stabilise the political situation within the country.

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