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Khemraj Seecharan is UNC candidate for Debe South by-election - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE UNC has chosen insurance agent Khemraj Sunil Seecharan as its candidate for the Debe South by-election

It will fill a vacancy on the Penal/Debe Regional Corporation left by the death of UNC councillor Purshottam Singh.

A party statement said Seecharan was selected by the UNC screening committee and confirmed by the national executive for the February 7 polls.

"Mr Seecharan was born and raised in Debe South.

"He is an enterprising and determined young man with a passion for people, community and culture, coming from a family that was always involved in community building and development."

Seecharan is the founding chairman of the Penal Debe Foundation, an NGO which advocates for disaster mitigation and relief.

"Khemraj’s mantra is Together We Can."

The party said Seecharan recognised Singh's contribution and vowed to continue his good work.

The satatement added, "Mr Seecharan is committed to providing the burgesses of Debe South with proper representation to those burgesses who have been denied representation by this dictatorial PNM Government for almost one full year, following the death of Mr Purshottam Singh."

It said it stood ready and prepared for this by-election, and that: "The Honourable Kamla Persad-Bissessar SC, MP would like to thank all the patriots who have offered themselves to represent the people, and thank them for their support of our UNC candidate."

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