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Kenya coronavirus: 758 cases; Tanzania border town new hotspot

Kenya continues to battle the COVID-19 pandemic with cases steadily rising each day. Government have locked down a handful of counties including the capital Nairobi and imposed a night-time curfew as part of containment efforts.

This rolling page will continue to give updates on major occurrences as relates to the East African country. You can follow Kenyas March April 2020 COVID-19 updates on our earlier page.

Kenya as of May 10 was the fourth most impacted country in the East / Horn of Africa region only behind Djibouti, Sudan and Somalia. Government also rolled out mass testing in virus hot spots, borders remain shut and a ban on public gatherings continues.

Major topics covered below include:

May 14: Cases hit 758, focus turns to Kenya-Tanzania border town

May 12: 715 cases, border crossings becoming flash point

May 11: Cases reach 700, mass prisoner release

May 10: 649 cases, Raila worries about Magufuli

May 8: May 8: Govt to foot quarantine bills, cases at 607

May 7: 582 cases, lockdown in Eastleigh, Mombasa City

May 5: KQs UK repatriation flight returns

May 4: Cases hit 535, govt decries abuse of relaxed measures

May 3: KQ repatriation flight, Nairobi fumigation

May 2: Case count at 435, mass testing starts

May 1: Case count hits 411, Uhuru vows transparency

Cases hit 758, focus turns to borders

Total confirmed cases = 758 (new cases = 21)

Total recoveries = 284

Total deaths = 42

Samples tested over 24-hours = 1,486

Total samples tested = 36,918

Government reports that a new area of focus in the fight against the virus are the frontiers. Our borders are now the key areas of focus particularly Namanga, CAS Dr. Mercy Mwangangi told reporters during todays briefing.

Kenya has on Wednesday declared the border town with Tanzania as a high-risk area. Namanga is a town divided by the Tanzania-Kenya border. It is in Longido District, Tanzania and Kajiado County, Kenya. It is around 110 kilometers from Arusha, Tanzania.

Zambia has also recently shut its common trade border with Tanzania after the town of Nakonde recorded a spike in cases. It is currently having more cases than the capital Lusaka.

#KomeshaCorona UPDATE

1,486 samples tested

Total samples tested so far stand at 36,918

21 new positive cases today

Total confirmed cases stand at 758

3 recoveries today

Total discharged & recovered stands at 284

2 fatalities today

Total fatalities stand at 42 pic.twitter.com/1UNRhd3Nr8 Ministry of Health (@MOH_Kenya) May 14, 2020

May 12: 15 new cases, border crossing concerns

We are upscaling security on border points and testing truck drivers to contain cross border infections, CS Dr. Rashid Aman told the press today as he gave case statistics on the coronavirus pandemic.

He added that two other individuals from Tanzania at the Isebania border also tested positive and were referred back to Tanzania. We are upscaling security on border points and testing truck drivers to contain cross border infections.

With the case count now at 715, authorities reported that 8 patients

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