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Kamla tells Rowley: Forget Tobago, call general elections now - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

SPEAKERS on the United National Congress (UNC) Monday night platform lent support to THA Secretary Farley Augustine, calling for the Prime Minister to stay out of Tobago business.

Insisting that Dr Rowley's Government was a failure, Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar advised him to, “Just disband the Parliament and call the election in Trinidad and Tobago.”

The call was sanctioned by previous speakers, including Barataria/San Juan MP Saddam Hosein.

Persad-Bissessar tore into National Security Minister Fitzgerald Hinds, who accused her and Opposition members of attending the recent crime symposium of regional leaders, “for just a photo-op”

Accusing him of being dishonest, she said the invitation which came via email, stated categorically in capital letters that they were invited only for the opening ceremony.

“When the ceremony finishes open, what am I staying there for? I don’t go where I am not welcomed,” she told supporters at the meeting held in Princes Town.

“All the UNC people turned up there, took our time to go there because we want us to do well, we want to have safety, and we want to have security. We want to help. But I have realised they want no help. So, all we will have to do is stand our ground and move them out of office. Come together and move them out.”

Referencing an invitation by former CoP Gary Griffith for a coming together with Rowley and the Government to fix crime, Persad-Bissessar said she has always been willing and able to work with all stakeholders.

“We have met with Mr Rowley, our teams, their teams. They took nothing, no suggestions, and nothing.

“To come and call me to meet with Rowley? Please. If anybody has to make a step it has to be Rowley. He’s the Prime Minister. He’s the one. I repeat we are always willing and able to help whenever we are called upon.”

With TT earning the title of the sixth most violent country in the world, she told the Government if they cannot protect citizens, then give those who qualify, the right to bear arms to defend themselves and their families.

She underscored the numerous challenges facing the nation, pointing to continuing bloodshed, in the midst of the “pappyshow” that was the crime symposium.

Predicting, “Nothing will come of it”, she was critical of the one plan manifested, to ban assault rifles, one which she said was already on the law books of TT.

Addressing the initiatives against the US, re gun imports, she said, “I think they get tired blaming UNC and Kamla. They reach quite up to the United States. You see that game they are playing? I am not in support of that, and the UNC will not stand for that blaming of the United States. We will not.

“It is not where it comes from, what the use it is being put to is and what you are doing to stem that tide of criminality. I listened to them and I read everything and up to now if you could show me what their plan to fight crime is, there is none.”

On the procurement legislation which is to be proclaimed on Wednesday after being passed seven years ago, she said it

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