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Kamla: Caricom, world leaders ignoring Trinidad and Tobago because of Rowley - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar says Trinidad and Tobago has become a non-player in Caricom and among world leaders under Dr Keith Rowley as Prime Minister.

She said Caricom leadership and world leaders are ignoring TT because Rowley lacks diplomatic skills. She said he has competence only in "buffing skills."

Persad-Bissessar offered the argument in reference to the recent visit by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge to Commonwealth countries in the Caribbean.

Prince William and his wife Kate made official visits to Belize, Jamaica and the Bahamas on behalf of Queen Elizabeth on the occasion of her platinum jubilee.

From the United National Congress (UNC) virtual platform on Monday night, Persad-Bissessar asked, “Where was TT in that?”

She recalled during her tenure as prime minister, there was visit from the Royal family on the occasion of The Queen’s diamond jubilee.

Since then, she said TT has become a non-player – not important.

Video clips of the COP 26 World Climate conference addressed by Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley and Rowley were shown during the UNC meeting as Persad-Bissessar drew attention to the packed audience for Mottley and almost empty room to hear Rowley.

She questioned whether it is simply because TT shut down the refinery, or if it’s because the Prime Minister has no diplomatic skills apart from secretly welcoming Venezuela’s Vice-President Delcy Rodriguez that TT has become so unimportant.

A video clip of his response in Parliament to allegations from Naparima MP Rodney Charles about TT snubbing Guyana’s energy conference was also shown.

Persad-Bissessar said Rowley was meek and mild at the COP26 Conference in comparison to his “meltdown, tantrum-throwing” before a “baliser crew.”

“As usual, Rowley just had to resort to his usual brand of politics on a national platform. He labeled MP Rodney Charles, a person we know, who is a most decent and honourable man, as a clear and present danger to TT.”

To the contrary, she submitted, the only clear and present danger to TT is Rowley.

She urged Rowley to leave Charles alone as he is a decent man, a fierce fighter who exposes the Government and who loves his family and his country.

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