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Kamla: Bring home children stuck in Syria - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

OPPOSITION Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar on April 10 urged the Government to do more towards repatriating Trinidad and Tobago children stuck in Syria and Turkey where their fathers took them in their quest to fight for terrorist group, Islamic State (ISIS).

She spoke to reporters after attending at the Nur-e-Islam Masjid in San Juan for Eid prayers.

Reflecting of Eid celebrations earlier at the nearby Aranguez Savannah, she said, "So it was a wonderful day and I extend to the national community Almighty Allah's blessings on this very special, joyous occasion."

She related a local imam's account of recently buying five deceased people and reflected on the uncertainty of life.

"While we are doing that and praying for each other, I have very, very serious concerns for the 72 children – Trinidad and Tobago children – who are stranded in Syria.

"I have called repeated for the Government to bring back these 72 children and I think about about 30-something women are there, Trinidad and Tobago nationals."

Persad-Bissessar said she had made this call previously last year, after which the Government had set up a committee, but nothing solid had happened.

"Up to today not one child nor one woman has been brought back.

"I call on the Government again to please bring home our women and children from Syria. That is a serious, serious matter."

Persad-Bissessar lamented the deaths of 32,000 people living in the Gaza Strip, amid Eid celebrations. After dozens of Hamas' terrorists last year killed, raped and kidnapped several hundred Israeli civilians, Israel's invasion has destroyed buildings and killed, maimed and displaced thousands of Palestinians.

"Up to Monday night I have been repeating my call for our Government to raise their voices against this genocide that is taking place in Palestine."

She said the Prime Minister in a statement on April 10 had urged a ceasefire, saying this was better late than never, as it lagged behind the UNC's recent statement urging same.

"It is not enough now. Don't just put out a statement, 'Cease fire!'. Go a few steps further and issue letters to the UN, to the various superpowers (calling) for the ceasefire in Palestine."

Asked about the decapitation of four year old Amarah Lallitte on April 8, she said it was really horrifying, as she extended her condolences to the bereaved relatives.

"It is as though we are getting... With each day the horror is increasing in our country.

"I don't see what we can do. The Prime Minister hangs on to his clueless minister in spite of all this crime that is taking place in all areas – women, children, young ones, old ones," in a seeming criticism of Minister of National Security Fitzgerald Hinds.

"What can I say to you? I can't wait for us to boot out this Government. I don't think they are capable. They don't have a plan."

Asked about Mayaro MP Rushton Paray's call for UNC internal elections, she said, "My response is the same as I have always given to you. The party will hold elections when constitutionally due."

She said

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