Keith Duncan as CEO of the JMMB Group and president of the Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica (PSOJ) must have had a lot on his mind while in an all-day board meeting last Friday.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has created great uncertainty and fear for us as a people,” the PSOJ president observed, adding that with the level of uncertainty, Jamaicans were also fearing for their lives, their families and their communities with crushing mental stress and anxiety.
Duncan observed that the Jamaican people have been very patient and have borne the pain of bad policy options over the years, and that the country has positioned itself for economic independence with reduced debt-to-GDP targets and greater fiscal space for investment in the country and its people.
“We really should put people first now and transform our education and our country to really achieve sustainable inclusive and equitable growth,” the PSOJ president said, adding that Jamaicans need to push to ensure that private and public sector leaders work towards a Jamaica which lifts the quality of life of the most vulnerable citizens.
Duncan is hoping that this crisis will create a stronger and more resilient people and economy.