Cartoon Network and Max have announced all-Nigerian cast for Iyanu , the upcoming perhero animated-series steeped in Nigerian culture and mythology. The series, an adaptation of Dark Horse Comics/YouNeek Studios’ popular graphic novel series Iyanu: Child of Wonde r by Nigerian creator and producer Roye Okupe, will see Serah Johnson voice the titular heroine, a teenager who must uncover the mystery behind her newfound powers to save her people from an ancient curse threatening to destroy humanity. “ Iyanu is a superhero tale set in the magical kingdom of Yorubaland, which draws from Nigerian culture, music and mythology. Drawing deeply from the rich tapestry of Yoruba people, the animated series follows a teenage orphan girl, Iyanu, who spends her days studying history and ancient arts but yearns for a normal life,” the synopsis reads. “One day, responding to danger, she unknowingly triggers her divine powers, the likes of which have not been seen since the Age of Wonders. With...