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In solidarity with Ukraine - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

'Russia's attack on Ukraine is unacceptable. Educators across the world stand with our colleagues, students and communities in Ukraine and denounce the invasion.'

- David Edwards, Education International (EI) general secretary

TTUTA joins with EI in expressing solidarity with the people of Ukraine and strongly condemns the Russian invasion of the country. In ignoring the global pleas for peace and diplomacy, Russia has launched an unjustified, full-scale, unprovoked invasion of Ukraine in full contempt of the United Nations charter. TTUTA, along with EI, stands in solidarity with the teachers, students and people of Ukraine and joins calls for the international community to do all in its powers to stop the bloodshed and avoid a catastrophic humanitarian crisis in Europe.

This offensive by Russia on Ukraine is a blatant attack on democracy, justice and freedom, with dire economic consequences for the rest of the world. It is a violation of the international law and order which has formed the cornerstone of a civilised world. Even more disturbing is that the former USSR was a founding member of the UN and a permanent member of the Security Council.

The international community must stand united in the face of this naked aggression and support not just the sovereignty of Ukraine but its right to choose its future. Too much is at stake. There are no sidelines to stand on, no quiet corners to avoid our social responsibilities.

According to the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine (TUESWU), this aggressive scenario will have catastrophic humanitarian consequences and significantly undermine the country's economy. It adds further that millions of jobs would be destroyed along with education institutions, social services and the economy, leading to poverty and destitution. The far-reaching consequences of this act of war cannot be understated.

TUESWU firmly asserts that the people of Ukraine have a right to a future free from violence and war, a sovereign right to democratically decide their future. This invasion threatens the peace and stability of the entire region and is reminiscent of the cold war era.

Silence by the global community is not an option. Countries large and small must strongly denounce the naked aggression of this global military power and its egotistical tyrannical leader who unilaterally denies the right to the existence of a sovereign state.

The might of global condemnation must weigh heavily on such military aggression by any country that shows contempt and disregard for international law, sending a powerful message that such behaviour has no place in a post-World War II era. Innocent lives are being taken to satiate the warped ego of an autocratic leader who insists on playing by his own rules.

Civil society groups and trade unions, in particular, must also strongly denounce this attack on democracy. Many EI affiliates have already issued strongly worded statements of condemnation, in the hope that good sense would prevail upon Russia to immediately

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