MINISTER of Local Government and Rural Development Kazim Hosein expects the CEPEP programme to be back up and running by month’s end. He said this during a virtual sitting of the Standing Finance Committee of the House of Representatives on Monday.
The Prime Minister last Saturday said CEPEP workers would be paid two-thirds of their wages for the time they were at home during the covid19 pandemic.
Barataria/San Juan MP Saddam Hosein in the virtual committee asked who would do the work CEPEP normally does, and sought a list of contractors.
Hosein replied, "This is a temporary situation we are dealing with. We are looking at probably the end of June. It'd be back on track as soon as possible."
Oropouche West MP Davendranath Tancoo asked if the CEPEP board of directors would take a salary cut. Hosein said it was an honorarium they received, adding, "That would continue."