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Gasparillo man pleads for return of stolen goats - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

A Gasparillo man who lost five goats worth $35,000 to thieves is hoping the animals are still alive and will be returned to him.

Rondell Harry said the five are breeding animals, and are more valuable alive than dead.

In addition, he said, "They have sentimental value to me.

"I do not sell animals for meat. I sell breeding goats. I also sell milkers. My aim was to do this project (rear goats) on a large scale."

Harry, of Parforce Road Extension, locked the goats in a pen at the back of his home on Monday evening, but next morning they were missing.

The goat-rustlers, he said, "passed to the back of the pen and jumped the fence. I followed the track, which took me out to Holder Trace. I saw a rope, cutlass, and a pair of slippers in the bush. I believe from that point, they (thieves) put the goats in a vehicle,"

He reported the theft to Gasparillo police.

"I am fearful that they come back again," he said, so he is taking precautions. "I am putting things in place to deter the thieves, because I have other animals." He lamented, "They took Pharaoh, my breeding ram. He weighed over 200 pounds.

"I recently bought Luna Moon, and she was pregnant."

The three other stolen goats are Chocolate, Tiny and Ashley.

Harry,who works at T&T Electricity Commission said the theft had "broken his spirit."

"I put my house on hold to do this. I realise it does not make sense, because I spent so much money and am now running at a loss. I was trying to expand."

No one has been held and Gasparillo police are continuing investigations.

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