Wakanda News Details

Finding the human in us

Develop me :HAVING endured many years of suffering and destitution, it is normal to despair, resign from dreaming or to start exploring solutions elsewhere. It is even harder to partake when the source of suffering is none other than one of your own who unrelentingly exerts monstrous powers upon the powerless. Why do humans cause others to suffer when they are supposed to be happy together, is a question humanity has grappled with over the centuries. It is natural that human beings crave to be treated just like that and to be assured by their own social environment that their lives matter; to themselves and the society they belong to. What makes them human is their predominant interest in who they are, being themselves and what they can be. Their freedom. In the absence of such, humans tend to either fight for their liberation, refer or defer in that order. If fighting fails to yield the intended results, the next step is to refer. Those who are political take to protests and call for external help, while religious people call for spiritual intervention. Secular people just expect other humans to show they care. Those who defer are not as hopeless either; they invest in patience, chance and miracles. Some believe in nature taking its course or dream of a day when some occurrence deliver them from oppression. It is one of the many desperate ways of coping with grief to keep itself alive and hopeful without which it would be purposeless. It is the lowest point in humanity to feel hopeless and purposeless. It is worse than imprisonment. History demonstrates that humanity tends to find itself and gets stronger in times of distress. People have mobilised themselves during times of major disasters, accidents, plagues, wars and other major disruptions to normal functioning of society. While others are embarrassingly looting resources meant to address COVID-19 and to save humanity, others are mobilising resources to save lives. This is an illustration that deep down — even in the midst of adversity — humanity still bears the audacity and courage to summon love to save itself from destructive greedy. A critical point to deduce from this is that human beings derive their meaningfulness first from their existence and second from social relationships and these stand out in good and bad times. This is why selfishness is disruptive to human evolution and development. In instances where oppression and greed are overbearing, they are confronted by revolutions. Dissent by the masses should therefore not be ignored as doing so may lead to a revolution. When people are faced with extinction, they burst into revolution to forestall imminent extinction. The breaking point occurs when the oppressor arrogantly escalates the price of freedom to shedding blood and loss of people’s lives. Human spirit and resolve do not tire or break. They refuse to die without leaving a legacy, no matter how modest. People worry about the future and they would rather sacrifice their present to guarantee a better future for the next generation. It is how natu

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