Glaring errors in the results of the August 8, 2017, General Election, published on the website of the Independent Election and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), have kicked up a storm, with leaders calling for a reorganisation of the commission before the proposed referendum and the 2022 General Election.
Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru, Makueni Senator Mutula Kilonzo Jr and ODM Secretary-General Edwin Sifuna called for the reorganisation at the commission before the referendum and 2022 General Election.
Mr Kilonzo and Mr Sifuna are wondered why the commission could not get its data right in the three years, further denting the integrity of the 2017 General elections.
Ms Eve Akinyi Obara is the current ODM MP for Kasipul Kabondo but the IEBC data has Silvance Osele as the MP on an ODM ticket with 27,496 votes.
Mr James Muhati resigned in March this year as the IEBC’s Director of ICT and his position remains vacant, despite its being crucial to the commission’s need to embrace technology in the conducting elections and transmitting results.