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The election went smoothly across the 16 local government areas of the state although with reports of rampant cases of vote buying.
The post #EkitiDecides2022: Official results from LGAs (LIVE UPDATES) first appeared on Premium Times Nigeria.
The post #EkitiDecides2022: Official results from LGAs (LIVE UPDATES) appeared first on Premium Times Nigeria.
Nationwide protests have taken place since October 7 despite the disbanding of the controversial Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) police unit.
The demonstrators have been accused of attacking police stations and personnel.
The rallies which are mostly attended by young people have become avenues to vent against corruption and unemployment.
Rights groups say at least 15 people have been killed the demonstrations began in early October.
[Ghanaian Times] The implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) will significantly boost intra-African trade within the next 10 years.
Baptist minister the Reverend Karl Johnson sees the bestowing of national honours and awards on seven pastors on Monday as a signal that the Church is still relevant and continues to do good work despite its shortcomings. Johnson, the general...
Austin, Texas — This week, the Texas Board of Social Worker Examiners unanimously approved Governor Abbott’s homophobic changes to the state’s Code of Conduct for social workers. The code now …
[UN News] Around four million girls worldwide suffer female genital mutilation every year. Although it is forbidden in Kenya, COVID-19 has led some families to revive the traditional practice, and a UN-supported phone helpline for victims of gender-based violence in the country has seen a big rise in calls since the pandemic hit.
[allAfrica] As of October 21, the confirmed cases of Covid-19 from 55 African countries have reached 1,665,755. Reported deaths in Africa have reached 40,228, and recoveries 1,369,189.
[Nation] Internal wrangles rocking the Law Society of Kenya escalated yesterday as nine members of the top decision-making organ turned their guns against president Nelson Havi.
NNPA NEWSWIRE — This year’s festival is dedicated in honor prolific director Michael Schultz and commemorates the 45th anniversary of “Cooley High” a critically successful coming of age film directed by director Michael Shultz released in 1975. A special evening celebrating Michael, the film and cast members will take place on Saturday, October 24th, from 3pm to 9pm. The festival also includes the October 25th premiere of the 2020 Film With A Purpose production “I’m Not Special.”
[Daily Maverick] A Trump victory in the 3 November US elections is likely to see the US intensify its attempts to roll back China's successful Africa policy. A Biden administration will find areas in which its US-Africa policy will converge with that of China. The US and China will be more likely to cooperate within multilateral forums and will actively seek a multilateral approach to global challenges, such as peacekeeping and health matters.
THE BARBADOS Government says it is ‘absolutely appalled” at a series of “inappropriate photographs” of...
The post Barbados Government condemns circulation of suggestive photos on social media appeared first on Voice Online.
Protests against police brutality in Lagos turned bloody on Tuesday despite a state-wide curfew, with eyewitnesses telling CNN that multiple demonstrators have been shot by soldiers. Demonstrators have taken part in daily protests across the country for nearly two weeks over widespread claims of kidnapping, harassment, and extortion by a police unit know as the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS). Tuesday […]
Voting is the cornerstone of a democracy but sadly far too few people vote.
This election for President of the United States is a fight for the soul of America. Donald Trump has been a wrecking ball for the values of America and the democratic world. This showman and accidental president has been a horror show for the last four years. One of his first targets as he announced his candidacy for president was immigrants, and […]