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'Dirty Mouth' spoils bid to watch match - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: I wish someone could tell me why it is so easy for offensive people to spoil the enjoyment of others?

On Sunday night we went to a bar (not a noisy one) on Ariapita Avenue to watch the match between the West Indies and South Africa. Not many people were there – nice atmosphere.

Some folks were on the sidewalk on chairs also looking at the match. But among them was a disgusting middle-aged man. Or should I say an illiterate being? He was the fattest of the group, with a massive hanging stomach and a mouth to match, who, for no apparent reason, kept up a stream of curses, and I mean real nasty cusswords. Two others also used foul language, but not as much and not as loudly as "big boy."

There were one or two women with them, but they said nothing, neither did any of his other "friends." Not one single man in that party had the guts to tell their liming partner to tone down his stink language. What a show-off! Perhaps he thought he would impress us and anyone in the vicinity with his knowledge of filthy words best suited to sailors in a boat far out in the wide Atlantic Sea.

So, he couldn’t just give the usual picong and comments you hear at a match that are so enjoyable to hear? Most of all, I really cannot understand how not one of his peers said anything to him.

We eventually left as it was unbearable and spoilt the enjoyment of looking at the match. "Mr Dirty Mouth" had no respect for anyone and obviously no respect for himself. Anyway, he probably can’t read so what is written here will not impact him in the least.

Sad, shameful and disgusting.


Port of Spain

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