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Digital transformation questions budget doesn't answer - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday



THE 2022-2023 budget presented by Finance Minister Colm Imbert last week again used this national planning document to laud the excellence of the Government and its great financial wisdom. Mentions of digital transformation were largely deployed to offer window dressing for an effort to express financial allocations as public relations success.

To get the real story, skip the chatty and self-congratulatory budget speech in favour of the Public Sector Investment Programme (PSIP) 2023 document, a more detailed, though often deliberately vague, strategic outline of the planned spending over TT's next fiscal year.

There's a second PSIP 2023-2025 document that attempts to extrapolate spending on major projects over the next three years, but offers little in the way of detail or explanation about the numbers it offers up for 2024 and 2025. It's a half-hearted commitment to project continuity, but falls short of offering clarity about last year's spending.

"Creating a digital nation" is listed as priority area seven out of nine and while the list of development goals is probably not organised by priority, there's little in next year's PSIP that establishes any priorities for the new Digital Transformation Ministry.

The government cloud

Under ICT infrastructure, there is a plan for a government data centre and government cloud, "So that information and services would continue to be available to citizens should we be cut off from the outside world in the future."

While this is sensible thinking, it isn't the only reason why local state datasets should be hosted locally. International data connectivity isn't even the most important one. The issues of privacy and sovereignty inherent in the management of state datasets aren't discussed anywhere.

It's a resource that should be given priority given all the projects that promise to bring networked advantages to government ministries and agencies, but there's no timeline offered for the project, which is not a trivial undertaking.

Governance using digital systems

Several agencies are identified in the PSIP as requiring centralised data management systems. Along with an overdue overhaul of the computing assets of the Institute of Marine Affairs, a digital enterprise content management system has been identified as necessary.

The Land Management Division of the Ministry of Lands and Fisheries also requires an electronic document management system to manage the result of digitalising all State land files.

Will the datasets generated by these and other projects live on the promised government cloud or remain in digital silos?

Given that the networking of police stations has been going on for more than three years now in a computing infrastructure version of Cepep, shouldn't there be a more specific focus on addressing clear shortfalls in the execution of government hardware installations before planning a data centre?

Ministry of Digital Transformation

In the 2023 PSIP, budget allocations are list

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