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Devant: I’ve given human trafficking statement to police - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

FORMER People's Partnership (PP) government minister Devant Maharaj confirmed on Wednesday that he provided police with a written statement relating to his claims about prostitution and human trafficking taking place while the PP was in office between May 2010 and September 2015.

Asked by Newsday whether he provided written statement to the police about his claims, Maharaj said, "I did."

To support his comment, Maharaj provided a photo of an e-mail dated March 4, which he received from the police in relation to an e-mail he sent them.

The e-mail's title was, Re: Written Statement.

The text of the e-mail read, "Good day Mr Maharaj. E-mail received."

Asked if the police have since asked him for any additional information, Maharaj said, "Nothing further is requested from my by the police at this time."

On March 1, Commissioner of Police Erla Harewood-Christopher said the police will investigate allegations of human trafficking made against "senior government officials" in the 2022 US State Department's report on trafficking in persons.

"These allegations of human trafficking are serious, and will not be taken lightly.” Christopher was unavailable for comment about the status of this investigation on Tuesday.

On February 26, the Prime Minister observed Persad-Bissessar's silence on this matter.

Dr Rowley said it is quite normal for reports, such as the US State Department's report on trafficking in persons to view all parliamentarians as “senior government officials”.

On March 3, in a virtual response to a question in Parliament, Rowley said no government MPs were involved in human trafficking.

Maharaj reiterated his questions about Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar claiming not to know anything about his report to her about prostitution and human trafficking activity while she was prime minister.

Asked about her claim at the UNC's Monday Night Forum that the party was being persecuted by people for political gain, Maharaj said, "The forever victim Kamla. It's always someone else persecuting the UNC or its leader," he said, adding, "she is holding a Shaggy approach: It wasn't me," referring to a song by the Jamaican reggae artiste Shaggy.

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