–Exodus 12:22
Dear church, there is, in the words of the old congregational song, “a storm out on the ocean, and it’s moving this old way…”
If I were to preach today, I would take as a thought, these four simple words: “Stay in the house.”
Dear beloveds, turn to your neighbor and say, “Stay in the house…”
“But how can I be a Christian, brother preacher, if I don’t go to church?”
Adrianne Gladden-Young, today an infectious disease researcher, told me that her heart is moved for all humanity amid this pandemic, particularly for the Black church.
For we are among the most vulnerable to COVID-19 because of our preexisting health conditions: heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity…
Amid the reality that churches continue to hold services, she worries that they have become “super spreader” events.
Amid Passover season,
I am reminded of a people instructed by faith to place the blood of a lamb on their doorposts and to seek refuge with their families inside their house, until the morning comes.