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Cunupia man at wit's end over noisy Venezuelans - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

A CUNUPIA man says he is at his wit's end over noisy Venezuelan tenants who live next door and believes his 79-year-old mother died last month from stress, lack of sleep and discomfort in her home.

Ramanan Hardeo, 60, of Ramsaran Street, Bejucal, said he has made several complaints to the Cunupia police over the past two years and to date has not even had the courtesy of a call or visit to investigate his complaints.

Hardeo said he had made repeated complaints to the landlord to no avail.

[caption id="attachment_957133" align="alignnone" width="552"] Dhanpath Dwarka died of complications associated with hypertension and a ruptured blood vessel which her family believes were triggered by stress. -[/caption]

"I am so angry with this situation. Nobody seems to listening. I am in a dilemma, I have no peace. The people come and sit in my place, garbage is thrown all over, noise in the night, sometimes early in the morning, on weekends, there is drinking and partying into the wee hours of the morning. You cannot sleep in your own home and I am retired and I expect peace in my home for God and heaven's sake. The Constitution gives me peace and every citizen peace on their property. Why am I not having that?" Hardeo asked during an interview last Thursday as he pleaded for help.

He showed five receipts from police reports dated between February 2020 and April 2022 complaining about threats, harassment, intimidation, and loud music. He said has also called the police on numerous occasions and not once gotten any response.

[caption id="attachment_957116" align="alignnone" width="768"] A copy of five receipts issued to Ramanan Hardeo after complaints to police of threats, noise and harrasment. - PHOTO BY DARREN BAHAW[/caption]

The properties are about 20 feet apart and are unfenced. He says the Venezuelans often walk through his yard, sit near his window and discard bottles and other garbage on his property. During a visit, several Venezuelans were seen gathered at the property, including several children.

Hardeo also supplied various videos and photos showing what he has had to endure.

He said his mother Dhanpat Dwarka, died on April 27 and the family could not even do the religious ceremonies at their home because of the incursion on their property. Her death certificate said she died from cardio-respiratory arrest, chronic kidney disease, hypertension and cerebrovascular accident.

Hardeo said his mother often broke down in tears complaining that she had no peace at home. Now that he is retired from his job from the drainage division in the public sector, Hardeo said all he wants is to be comfortable in his home.

Asked to respond Hardeo's complaints, the landlord Himraj Lookhur said on Saturday Hardeo had a problem with every tenant who rented next door.

Lookhur said he acted before and evicted tenants from the property but believed that Hardeo was the one with a problem who did not want anyone renting next door.

He said eve

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