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COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted all generations

guest column:Emmanuel Zvada As we sail through these uncertain times, reorienting and adapting to the new normal has become the topmost priorities for every generation. Companies are focusing on remote working, virtual hiring, employee wellbeing, and adopting the latest wellness trends and strategies. Every generation from zillenials, millennials and boomers has been affected by the pandemic. Although no one knows for sure what the long-term consequences of the pandemic will be, experts predict it will have a lasting impact on people of all generations as everybody is being touched and affected by the pandemic. Which generation are you? We often use phrases or words that we do not fully understand especially when it comes to naming different generations which are the boomers, generation X, Y and Z. Despite these different age groups at our workplaces, there is often quite a lot of confusion regarding which generational classification everyone technically falls into. Baby boomer is a term used to describe a person who was born between 1946 and 1964 and are those that are close to retirement if they are still at work. For the sake of this article, I will categorise all as baby boomers though there are also different categories of boomers. Anyone born between the years 1965 and 1980 is considered a member of generation X. Generation X is the demographic cohort following the baby boomers and preceding the millennials and zillenials. This generation has an increased understanding of technology, having grown up during the age of computers and they are often characterised by high levels of scepticism, “what’s in it for me” in whatever they do. Generation X is arguably said to be the generation that started to introduce the idea of a solid work-life balance into the workforce. We also have generation Y which includes a group of people born during the ‘80s and the early ‘90s and they are also referred to as millennials, the internet generation. They are much more racially and ethnically diverse and they are much more segmented as an audience aided by the rapid expansion in internet and technology. Generation Z is the current generation and I prefer calling them zillenials or zommers. This generation includes those born between 1996 and 2010, following millennials. This generation has been raised on the internet and social media, with the oldest finishing college by 2020 and entering the workforce. How COVID-19 is affecting the generations Millennials, aged 26-40 years old, include both young and established career professionals who may also be new parents or homeowners. Generation Z, age 11 to 25 years old, is now beginning to come of age, complete their education, and move into the workforce. Baby boomers who were looking forward to retirement were not financially well-prepared, even before the pandemic. Given how the pandemic has hurt the job market, topping up retirement savings in the near term will be a challenge even to the generation X. It is also crucial to mention that to the boomers and millennials who jumped into e

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