I ran across an essay written by a self-described former California police officer that he called “Confessions of a Former Bastard Cop.”
I’ve seen numerous other accounts by former police officers over the years– both black and white– who have detailed the intricacies of working as a cop in a system that encourages, approves and perpetuates official misconduct.
I was equally struck by what is a recurring theme in almost every former cop’s essay about life as a “law enforcement officer:” they all say never talk to police– ever, because they are not your friend.
These former cops almost universally say that once police officers get through academy training, they become part of an institutional structure whose mission is to protect “the system” and private property, and not the citizens who foot the bill.
Having never been a police officer, I couldn’t possibly know what happens inside, but if enough former cops say essentially the same thing, I am justified in raising an eyebrow or two.