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Claxton Bay pipe-fitter, 37, found shot dead - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

While watching a local crime series on Thursday evening, a Claxton Bay family found missing 37-year-old Daniel Phillip had been shot dead.

"When we saw the body, we knew it was him. He was wearing the same clothes he left home in," his mother, Avril Phillip, told Newsday on Friday.

Phillip, a pipe-fitter, lived with his mother and siblings at Pranz Gardens, Claxton Bay.

She said he left home on Tuesday around 5 pm with his father, who lives at Boodoo Trace in Claxton Bay. That was the last time she saw him alive.

"He said he was going to breeze by his father, and they left together.

"Daniel normally would not sleep out, so we (relatives) expected him to return. The next morning, we realised something was wrong and kept calling his cell phone. It was ringing, then we kept getting busy tones," Avril said.

"My child would have helped anyone do anything. But he thinks that he and everybody were friends."

The mother said relatives were expected to identify the body pending a covid19 test at the Forensic Science Centre in St James.

Police said a man was exercising at Ocean View, St Margaret’s Village in Claxton Bay, around 6.10 am on Thursday, when he saw the bullet-riddled body at the side of the road in some bushes. He called the police and PCs Seecharan and Guevara responded.

ASP Bertie, Insps Ramlogan, Santana and Phillip, Sgt Dookhoo and Elivin, together with other officers from the Southern Division and Homicide Bureau Region III, visited the scene.

Cpl Deo of the Homicide Bureau Region III is leading investigations.

The post Claxton Bay pipe-fitter, 37, found shot dead appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

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