HBO has released the official trailer for City of God: The Fight Rages On , a sequel series to the critically-acclaimed 2002 Brazilian film. The six-episode original series is set two decades after the events of City Of God and includes the return of memorable characters such as Rocket (Wilson), Berenice, Bradock, Cinthia, Barbantinho and Melonhead. Here’s the description: CITY OF GOD: THE FIGHT RAGES ON is an adapted continuation of the literary work of Paulo Lins and will tell the story of its characters taking as a starting point the work of the photographer Buscapé. The plot unfolds in the early 2000s when the release of a young drug dealer from prison puts Cidade de Deus back into dispute. Residents find themselves trapped between drug traffickers, militias and public authorities, but the need to escape this cycle makes the community unite to face the oppressor. The series uses “excerpts from the film in flashbacks to reconstruct memories and affective recollections of the...