As a parent and a concerned Guyanese, I would like to share my views, with the hope that the Ministry of Education can see some essence in my thought.
First of all, the Ministry of Education must act on the advice of the National Covid-19 Task Force, hence I am hoping that the Education representative on the Task force truly understands the dynamics of education and the implication that premature reopening of schools and more so administration of the NGSA may have.
As a parent of a grade six child, I can tell the policymakers, that the children are not ready for the examinations.
Remember, as much as they would have been ‘home schooled’, three months or more of home schooling cannot get them ready to sit this very important examination.
If the Ministry is thinking about announcing a date for NGSA within two months, say by July, then I’m hoping that the format of the examination has been revised.