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Chief Nyamukoho estate wrangle: Details emerge

BY JAIROS SAUNYAMA A WRANGLE over the estate of one of Zimbabwe’s richest traditional leaders, Chief Nyamukoho (real name Samson Mapereke Katsande) has erupted between his children and the traditional leader’s wife who is accused of “looting” money at the expense of their father’s welfare. The 88-year-old traditional leader who owns more than 50 properties across the country is currently suffering from dementia and has since been declared incapacitated by government to stand as a chief. His son Rukariro was seconded as the acting Chief Nyamukoho. According to documents in possession of this paper, Chief Nyamukoho’s children, including Rukariro, have clashed with the traditional leader’s wife Dorcas Katsande over the running of the family business. They alleged that she was taking advantage of their father’s ailment to loot. The traditional leader’s wife secured a peace order dated June 20, 2020 at Mutoko Civil Court against Rukariro barring him from accessing some of the properties, and accusing him of harassing the family. “The respondent is ordered not to visit 273 Mutoko, not to approach or visit Chitangazi Clinic Farm, Mapereke Farmer’s shop, Mapereke Children’s Ministries, Chitora Farm and Murewa Complex,”read the peace order. Chief Nyamukoho’s children approached the courts and recommended the appointment of a curator to manage his businesses and finances without the consent of his wife. Among the children who signed affidavits in support of the appointment of the curator are actress and socialite Tinopona Katsande, who is the traditional leader’s last born. According to a High Court order dated June 29, 2019 gleaned by this paper, Motsi Sinyoro, was appointed curator to Chief Nyamukoho’s empire. “It is ordered by consent that Motsi Sinyoro, be and is hereby appointed as the curator bonis in respect of Samson Katsande born on June 13, 1932. The appointment of Motsi Sinyoro, as the curator bonis in respect of Samson Katsande shall remain in force until such a time appointment is varied, set aside or rescinded by this honourable court. “Motsi Sinyoro shall in his capacity as the curator bonis manage all the personal and business finances, property or estate of the said Samson Katsande for the duration of this order,” the document read. The chief’s wife has since written to Local Government minister July Moyo accusing Rukariro of demanding US$60 000 from his ailing father. In a letter dated November 1, 2020 also gleaned by this paper, Dorcas said Rukariro had teamed up with some war veterans to demand money to be used for traditional court issues. “I got surprised to receive information from my husband’s curator, Motsi Sinyoro that a group of war veterans accompanied by the acting Chief Rukariro Katsande approached him claiming that Chief Nyamukoho left some debts amounting to US$60 000, and two cattle. “I was shocked, my question is, where in the Constitution do we find war veterans getting involved in chieftainship affairs? Secondly, why is it that these claims are being lodged when my husband is now ill? Thirdl

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