ANARCHY now reigns on all Zimbabwe highway tollgates, affecting all the roads that lead to the country’s cities. On average, a trip from Bulawayo to Harare takes an extra two hours to reach one’s destination due to massive inefficiency at the tollgates. It is evident that the Zimbabwe National Road Administration (Zinara) and Intertoll are failing to manage tollgates at the expense of the motoring public. Motorists are losing more productive hours in tollgate queues. The lame excuses that Zinara/Intertoll give are mere admissions of incompetence, yet there are alternative ways of addressing this challenge. One way is to introduce tollgate taxes at the point of refuelling one’s car rather than collecting fees only on highways. This is one of the most effective and efficient ways of collecting revenue from motorists. This, in my opinion, is the easiest solution to revenue collections and will definitely increase Zinara’s revenue base because no one will be spared, since every motor vehicle needs fuel to be on the country’s roads. Jacob Kudzayi Mutisi
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