Wakanda News Details

Cassava launches Sasai Moments

BY HARRIET CHIKANDIWA Cassava Fintech has launched Sasai Moments; a new social media network app that allows users to experience, capture and share video driven by user generated content along similar lines as TikTok. The Sasai app, which was launched a year ago, is a uniquely African, all-in-one super App with chat, payments and digital marketplace features. Speaking on the release of Moments, Cassava chief executive Darlington Mandivenga said with over 3.6 billion pictures posted on social media platforms daily, sharing life’s moments had become an essential part of daily culture. “Life is all about capturing and sharing precious moments with those we love and hold dear; with friends, family and colleagues. Our Moments feature has been designed to bring some of life’s most precious and unforgettable moments together onto one place by building an open digital community,” Mandivenga said. The Moments features include official pages for public figures and for corporate organizations, such as private businesses, public enterprises, civic associations and faith-based organizations. Chief operating officer, Tapera Mushoriwa said corporates could now engage with their customers on Sasai in a richer environment through Moments, where they can use pictures, videos and online links. “They can register Moments accounts and reach out to interact with their customers in a creative manner by visiting the Sasai website to register. Mushoriwa said Moments would allow Sasai users to connect and share videos, audio notes, pictures as well as users’ location tags. “Moments create an online community where a user can connect with family, friends, peers, and new contacts from across the world,” he said. Cassava plans to add features such as shopping and selling on Moments. “A user will simply display their product or service on their timeline, and once they get a customer or find something of interest, they can make and receive payments securely and directly with their Sasai digital wallet, all on one App,” Mushoriwa said. “This enhancement promotes social commerce in Africa as most Africans advertise their goods and services on social media platforms but their biggest challenge has been collection of payment as most platforms do not have payments capabilities” Meanwhile, Sasai has also launched a #TalentOnMoments promotion, where it is inviting all Africans to showcase their talent on Sasai Moments for free.

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