The following is from the book's preface:
Unfortunately, because of a lack of historical analysis, and attempts to whitewash history, the racist roots of the relationship between Blacks, White America, and their police, is often not fully understood.
Any real understanding of why America’s current police forces treat Black Americans in the manner they do must be viewed through the historical lens.
The main job of America’s police, in the past and now, is to keep the racial shackles around Black necks and to stop our people from progressing.
The sooner Black Americans accept this grim reality: that America’s police are there to terrorize and oppress us for a racist system, is the sooner we will be able to fight these forces with more unified effectiveness.
With racist politicians like Donald Trump giving their blessings to the police to continue brutalizing us, the time is now for Black America to stand up strong to police prejudice, violence, and murder.