For the first 2.5 months of my twins’ lives, I had missed more than half of the milestones because of my hectic work travel by Gerome Orgeris
Then, just like that, everything changed overnight.
Photography by Gerome Orgeris
When you are raising Black sons in America, a level of responsibility to educate them about the realities of the world comes with the territory.
Like so many other Black parents, I’m sure, I have not yet figured out exactly when to begin those hard “what it means to be Black” conversations that I know I must have with my sons to prepare them for this harsh world.
We must uplift our kids to combat a world out there that by Gerome Orgeris
The Black Lives Matter movement ad all the progress it has made thus far, makes me optimistic about more change in our future—their future.
I lost my father when I was 13, but he instilled in me that I must provide a better life for my own kids one day children than the one I had.