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Back-Ah-Yard concert to honour SuperBlue - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

The youth development NGO, Back-ah-Yard (BAY), will host the second part of its anniversary celebrations with its Children of the 80s concert on April 29 with SuperBlue, Cro Cro and other artistes.

Founder and president Dixie-Ann Joseph said the concert will feature SuperBlue as a special celebration of his Humming Bird Gold Medal award.

Joseph, who is a rapso artiste and songwriter aka Shakeela, will also perform along with Mistah Shak, Darryl "D Saint" Mendoza, Shakeela and pannist Keon Cupid.

The Sweet 16th Anniversary event begins at 8 pm at the new youth and community development venue, Mama's Yard, Boodoo Street, Point Fortin.

[caption id="attachment_951844" align="alignnone" width="858"] Mistah Shak -[/caption]

In a media release Joseph said the organisation "is comprised of foundation artistes, who over the years have given their time, talent and brand to its mission to have young people love themselves and inspire other youth to do the same.”

Among the foundation artistes are MX Prime, Freetown Collective, Netto, Skeeto, and Collis Duranty.

BAY said that as a non-profit, youth and community development organisation based in Point Fortin, it is heavily invested in "boosting and sustaining healthy youth self-esteem through its Poetry in the Classroom, Community and Online, creative arts programme.

Joseph said expanding the schools programme is a priority and BAY is looking forward to joining students in the classroom again.

“We are also very excited to continue our international cultural exchange, the Fubu Project, established 2016 with EOTO, a non-profit youth development organisation from Berlin and our local FUBU partners, Braves Ball Club and Pionero Productions.”

Back-Ah-Yard said its youth development partners since 2010 have been Atlantic LNG, the Ministry of Sport and Community Development, Ministry of Tourism, Culture and the Arts, Peiping Supermarket, the Ministry of Culture of Germany, the Salvation Army of Jamaica, IMPACCT Brooklyn, and Friends of Back-Ah-Yard at home and abroad.

[caption id="attachment_951845" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Weston "Cro Cro" Rawlins - Marvin Hamilton[/caption]

It also has an ongoing regional cultural exchange in Grenada targeting youth in schools and children’s homes in Grenville and St George’s, partnering with the Ministries of Culture, and Foreign Affairs of Grenada, the release said.

All proceeds from Sweet 16th Anniversary concert Part 2 will go towards the youth development projects.

For more info: 344-9662, 356-0780, 804-2270 or e-mail backahyardpointfirtin@gmail.com or shakeelajoy@gmail.co


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