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Amnesty International: Deportation of migrants ‘extremely alarming’ - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

AMNESTY International is calling on the Government of Trinidad and Tobago to adhere to its obligations under international laws for human rights.

The global body, which campaigns for an end to abuses of human rights, released a statement on the deportation of 98 Venezuelan migrants from TT last week.

Labelled Trinidad and Tobago: Authorities must stop deporting refugees and asylum seekers, the statement described the deportation as "extremely alarming.

"The human rights crisis and complex humanitarian emergency in Venezuela are of such magnitude that 25 per cent of the nation’s population has been forced to flee the country in the last few years, a figure that continues to rise.

"International law leaves no room for doubt: refugees and asylum seekers throughout the world cannot be returned to places where their life and integrity could be at risk. No one can be subjected to mass expulsions.”

Amnesty said now more than ever, "American states" must guarantee the rights of asylum seekers and refugees who are in urgent need of international protection.

The group said governments in the region should scale up their efforts to assist and support the countries hosting refugees and migrants amid humanitarian crises.

"All persons forced to flee the situation of massive human rights violations in Venezuela require a response from a human rights-based perspective, with strict adherence to the principle of non-refoulement, regardless of their migration status."

Amnesty said it received information that some of the deported migrants had asylum-seeker and refugee status.

Newsday contacted the UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) on Wednesday in an attempt to confirm whether that was true. However, there was no response up until press time.

On applying to become an asylum seeker, the UNHCR's website states, "Any foreign national or stateless person at a border point or within the territory of Trinidad and Tobago may apply for asylum, regardless of age, sex, gender, nationality, race, religion or political opinion if he or she fears to return to his or her country of origin because a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group.

"Children have also the right to seek asylum even when a representative or guardian is not present to do it on their behalf."

The website also says that asylum seekers and refugees are protected from forcible return to a country where their life or freedom may be in danger.

"Even if you enter the country without a visa or entry permit, you may not be deported while your asylum claim undergoes a due process of analysis," the website states.

TT became a signatory of the UNHCR’s 1951 Refugee Convention in 2000 but is yet to enact any domestic legislation. Article 31 of the convention says no signatories are “to impose penalties, on account of their illegal entry or presence,” of any asylum-seekers.

But in ruling on an application for judicial review brought by a Venezuelan migrant in

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