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Africa: Summary of Gender-Sensitive Provisions in Peace Agreements and Women's Political and Economic Inclusion Post-Conflict

Using quantitative and qualitative analysis, the students examined the effect of women's participation in peace negotiations and gender-sensitive provisions in peace agreements on women's political representation and economic empowerment post-conflict.

The students developed a 'Difference-in-Difference' 5 statistical model to explore the effect of women's participation in peace negotiations and the inclusion of gender provisions in peace agreements on their political representation and economic inclusion post-conflict.

Key Finding 3a): Gender-sensitive provisions do not seem to improve women's economic outcomes, measured in terms of their Labor Force Participation and their share of Gross National Income, 5 years post-conflict.

Key Finding 3 b): While gender-sensitive agreements had little effect on women's post-conflict economic prospects, the inclusion of women in peace processes consistently predicted better economic outcomes for women 5 years after the signature of the agreement.

Questions for further research

While this research has yielded interesting results that can be translated into key advocacy messages and recommendations, there are more questions that need to be explored in order to fully understand the impact of women's participation in peace processes on their economic and political inclusion post-conflict; and identify strategies to ensure that women's participation is meaningful or influential at all levels of political and economic decision-making after a conflict.

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