Given recent events in the city and nation, how do you see the future of the country?
Latasha Parks: “I believe in The Messiah so if the people can check their heart and get that straight, especially those who are in government and in politics, those in the judicial system [there can be change] . . . if the people’s heart who are administering the law are not right, nothing is ever going to change.”
Patrick J. Brewster: “. . . until people are held accountable for their actions, we’re going to always see the things that we’ve been seeing here recently.
People are going to always riot or tear things up because we want to be treated equally and until that happens, what is going on now is going to continue.”
Ignorance is everywhere and people feed off of that… By polarized I mean people are going to go into their own bubbles and have their own agendas even more . . . people find reasons to separate themselves and be in their own worlds.”