BlackFacts Details

Why Black People Are Not Interested In Black History|BlackHistoryMonth2014 Why is it that so many black people are not interested in Black History or Black History Month. Could it be that there is a Cognitive Dissonance when it comes to addressing issues in the black community. We say one thing, but our actions are inconsistent with our verbiage. Watch the video, then take the survey. Were interested in what you think!

Black History is rich and diverse. Despite what you were taught in most classrooms in America, Black History did not begin with slavery. And it continues beyond the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s.

Black History past, present and future is rich and diverse.

Our goal, though ambitious is to present the history of African people (in America and throughout the diaspora) in a rich and responsive medium.

We have combined curated content from multiple sources, original content from Black scholars and contributors, images, video and audio to facilitate the learning process. The process is ongoing and we have lots more to do.

We hope you will engage with us. Leave a comment, share using Social Media, send us feedback. Agree or disagree, but engage!

Black History Month 2014

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