I am transparent with a lot of things. In my lifetime, I’ve obtained four college degrees (and will soon begin working on my fifth). They all serve a specific purpose in my journey as an educator, writer, social justice advocate, leader, and fine-ass renaissance man. I call myself a lifelong learner on purpose. Furthermore, no qualms exist in revealing that I have amassed nearly half-a-million dollars in student debt. I want to be the best and most prepared I can be. The fact that I am being punished for this by owing an insurmountable amount of money saddens me. In theory, we should be able to obtain whatever degree we want, if we choose. The idea of a financial burden because of education attainment is both archaic and direct anthesis to what this country is supposed to be about: being the greatest and the most equipped. My preferred method to the madness is to stand true to the general stance that I have never planned to pay off a single dime of my student loan debt. Amongst...