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Vendors slam govt over lockdown extension

BY TATENDA SQUARE STREET vendors yesterday expressed concern over the announcement by President Emmerson Mnangagwa on Tuesday that they will only be allowed to operate if they satisfy the World Health Organisation (WHO) COVID-19 requirements. In a snap survey, vendors told NewsDay that they have no capacity to meet WHO requirements which include temperature checks  and administering of sanitisers. Lisa Moyo, a street vendor, said she was not happy with the extension of the lockdown by two weeks, saying this will affect her business. “I am not happy because mobility into town continues to be restricted, thus it impacts on the flow of customers. “The lockdown extension has hit women the hardest. Women are the majority of people working in the informal sector. They cannot afford to procure sanitisers and gadgets to check for temperature,” Moyo said. She said the lockdown period would affect their ability to fend for their families. “I have to provide for my children, however, coming to town to work exposes me to police brutality.  At times, I have no choice, but to take the risks so as to fend for my kids.” Zimbabwe Chamber of Informal Economy secretary-general Wisborn Malaya said: “Our organisation is doing everything to make sure that informal traders can be compliant with WHO protocols so that their businesses can continue to function.” He said vendors were breaching lockdown regulations in desperation and were flooding the streets to sell their wares due to economic difficulties.  Follow us on Twitter @NewsDayZimbabwe

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