Ruth Ella Moore was born in 1903. She received a Bachelor of Science from Ohio State University in 1926 and a Master of
Arts in 1927. Ruth Moore received a Ph.D. in Bacteriology from Ohio State University in 1933 (Source), becoming the first black
female to earn a Ph.D. in Bacteriology. Dr. Moore served as the Head of the Department of Bacteriology at Howard
University Medical College, from 1947 to 1958. Dr. Moore served as a part-time professor at Howard University from 1971
until her retirement. Professor Moore's area of research focused on blood grouping and enteriobacteriaceae.
Dissertation Title:
(a) Studies on Dissociation of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis;
(b) A New Method of Concentration on the Tubercule Bacilli as Applied to Sputum and Urine Examination.