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Rest concert to celebrate All Saints’ Anglican Church 177th anniversary - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

Chandelier Productions announces the return of the acclaimed concert, Rest, to All Saints’ Anglican Church, Port of Spain, on June 10 at 7 pm.

A media release said, the reprise will commemorate the church’s 177th anniversary, along with the 200th anniversary of Trinity Cathedral.

Initially held in honour of Janine Charles-Farray, arts advocate and marketing strategist, the concert will aid in the restoration of the Trinity Cathedral and All Saints’ Anglican Church, as well as the establishment of The Black Collar Creative Foundation.

[caption id="attachment_1019864" align="alignnone" width="207"] Chandelier Productions managing director, Tiana Chandler.Photo courtesy: Kerrie T Naranjit [/caption]

The evening’s highlight will be Johann Sebastian Bach’s

Gottes Zeit ist die Allerbeste Zeit, (God’s Time is the Best Time). Also featured will be a composition by musical director Michael Hudlin, sung by talented producer Tiana Chandler.

The All Saints’ community, to which Charles-Farray belonged, shares the sentiment of Rest and the importance of peace and solace, in the wake of those the community has lost in the past three years.

The Black Collar Creative Foundation is a dedication to Charles-Farray’s legacy and will assist people in the creative sector with start-ups, in the spirit of entrepreneurship. The aim is to provide a one-time investment to help them get off the ground or, in select cases, provide an ongoing injection of funds to support an entrepreneur through difficult early stages, the release said.

The concert promises an enchanting evening of music and reflection.

Tickets at $200 can be bought from 8 am-2 pm at the All Saints' parish office, 13 Queen’s Park West, Port of Spain, or from committee members at 627-7004, 464-7732, or 710-9436


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