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Pac criticises Lazarus Chakwera on graft, governance

HELD TALKS—Pac members and Chakwera

The Public Affairs Committee (Pac) has expressed disappointment over President Lazarus Chakwera’s leadership style, saying his inaction and indecisiveness on corruption, a failing economy and numerous other challenges facing the nation are unfortunate.

On the other hand, the organisation has praised Chakwera for improving the country’s road network, his purported tolerance “even in most difficult times” and improving relations between Malawi and other countries, among others.

Speaking during a meeting with Chakwera Monday at State House in Lilongwe, Pac Chairperson Monsignor Patrick Thawale said the President’s words have not aligned with his actions.

Thawale said Chakwera’s administration has shown weaknesses in addressing corruption and abuse of funds, despite his campaign promises.

“Your administration has demonstrated serious weaknesses on the alleged abuse of funds and corruption despite your assertions made during 2019 and 2020 campaign.

“We wish to recall that as a Man of God you exuded immense hope to take a strong stand against corrupt practices as you had observed its negative impact,” Thawale said.

He also reminded Chakwera that the Malawi Congress Party manifesto promised to be “very tough on corruption” but that corruption has continued to ravage Malawi’s socio-economic environment since Chakwera took office in 2020.

Thawale added that Chakwera’s leadership has continued to ignore multiple allegations of acts of corruption and has remained indecisive, particularly regarding his closest ministers and government officials.

“We are inclined to take a view that hypocrisy has tainted the current leadership. Words have not matched your actions on issues of corruption and alleged abuse of funds in the administration,” the Pac chair said.

The quasi-religious body also informed the President that his leadership has failed to address the economy, which “has reached a dire state”.

Pac also raised concerns about Chakwera’s numerous international trips and those of his Cabinet ministers which the organisation says appear inappropriate at a time when Malawians are suffering.

Pac further pointed out gaps in leadership, particularly in civil service management, saying that the Office of the President and Cabinet has become dysfunctional and is demotivating the civil service.

On the other hand, Pac acknowledged the detention of several prominent figures but pointed out that these have yielded no proper results.

“We urge your government to ensure that these acts are not aimed at victimising those who hold opposing views.

“We are not against the rule of law. We believe in it. All we are stating is that in the electoral process, caution has to be exercised so that certain acts do not reflect badly on Your Excellency,” Pac said.

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