NNPA NEWSWIRE — Analyzing India’s 3000-year-old caste system, an artificial construct meant to split Hindus into different societal groups, could have been an overly complicated and difficult to discern endeavor. Yet somehow the film keeps its interpretation of the social ramifications pretty simple: At one point there were around 1000 caste levels, but these days there are two, effectively relegating citizens to rich or poor batches. Hence Balram’s fight to leave the impoverished side for the moneyed one will be quite a leap. Also, in this allegory, the differences between the prosperous and impoverished are more about money, education, privilege and status and not morals and values.| By Dwight Brown, NNPA Newswire Film Critic https://youtu.be/35jJNyFuYKQ Is this just another passive servant movie, like Gone With the Wind, The Help, or Roma? Or does it have a new kick? In 2008, Indian/Australian author Aravind Adiga wrote his debut novel The White Tiger, and its thoughtful examination of India’s caste system was rewarded with […]