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Family, friends say farewell to calypso queen at Queen’s Hall - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

“Our mother was a remarkable woman, a woman of honesty and integrity, a woman of class and elegance, a woman of family and God. She was as kind as she was talented, was able to connect with anyone, anywhere, and command any room.”

Former calypsonian and gospel singer Denyse Plummer’s elder son Jesse Boocock made the statement as part of the eulogy for his mother during a celebrational send-off at Queen’s Hall on Wednesday.

“The rest of the world knew her as something else, but we knew her as Mom. She was intent on being the greatest calypsonian she could be and also the world's greatest mom.

"She was tenacious, and had love for the less fortunate and for animals. Even before she gave her life to God, she always had a goodness about her, and I think that’s what everyone loved. Her brand was love, it’s what she represented. She enjoyed making people feel special.

“I don’t think it was dumb luck that a few rolls of toilet paper got her to the top of the game. She was a hard worker, she loved what she did and she loved her country.

"She sought inspiration from people like Martin Luther King and Princess Diana. She loved Celine Dion and Elvis Presley. She was a sucker for country music and old love songs, always singing music I’d never heard of.

[caption id="attachment_1034101" align="alignnone" width="690"] Len Boogsie Sharpe performs Amazing Grace at Denyse Plummer's memorial service at Queen's Hall, St Ann's, on Wednesday. - Ayanna Kinsale[/caption]

"She really impressed me when she cut out the drinking and the smoking after 40 years, cold turkey, and she turned her life over to Jesus.”

Jesse spoke of Plummer’s memoir, The Crossover, where he said she shared intimate details of her life which shocked even some of those closest to her. He said the family’s intention was to set up and run a foundation as per her wishes.

“In the last days, we cuddled a lot, we listened to soft gospel music. Her three dogs were there, always at the foot of the bed. I’m also happy she was able to meet and spend some time with our daughter, her first grand-daughter, Juliana. She’s already an entertainer just like you Nana Boo. We’ll hold you in our hearts forever. Love you, Mom.”

Youngest son Robert Boocock said there were no words which could describe the impact his mother had had on his life, the life of his family, and the country.

“She was the most vibrant, animated, and passionate woman I’d ever known. Never have I seen someone face as many trials and tribulations as she had, and still come out of it smiling.

"Today I come before TT to celebrate the life of my mother and say thank you for creating the spectacle that was Denyse Plummer. I never met anyone more down-to-earth than Mom, she was carved out the fabric of this nation.

“Without adversity, without discrimination, without prejudice, Mom’s music would not have created the impact that it did to so many people’s lives.

"Sometimes God gives you blessings in ways you can’t understand in the moment. Sometimes it comes in the form of toilet paper, soggy o

Jesse Williams' Speech (BET Awards 2016)