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Eritrea coronavirus: Expats repatriated, caseload at 251 | Africanews

July 19: Expats repatriated, caseload at 251

Eritrea late last week (July 17) announced that a number of stranded expatriates had been evacuated to their various countries.

Information Minister Yemane Meskel posted on Twitter that 200 nationals who were stranded due to ban on flights along with 39 Italian teachers in the local school, returned to their respective countries across Europe and Canada through Charter Flight yesterday, i.e. July 16.

On the face of virus statistics, the Health Ministry issued an announcement that read as follows: “Six COVID-19 patients who had been receiving necessary medical treatment in hospitals in the Northern Red Sea Region have recovered fully and were released from these facilities today.

“This brings the number of recovered patients to 155. The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date is 251.”

June 14: 31 new cases as case load hits 96

Thirty-one (31) additional patients were diagnosed positive for COVID-19 today in tests carried out for individuals who had completed their quarantine time at Adibara and Molqi Quarantine Centers in Gash Barka Region.

30 of these are nationals who returned from the Sudan and who were quarantined at Adibara while one patient is a national who returned from Ethiopia and was quarantined at Molqi.

As underlined in the announcement yesterday, 7158 nationals have returned home through irregular land and sea routes from Ethiopia, Sudan, Djibouti as well as Yemen in the past two months despite the overall ban on people’s movements in the region as a whole. 3,135 persons still remain in 47 quarantine centers throughout the country.

The total number of confirmed cases in the county to-date has now risen to 96. 39 of these have recovered fully and were released from hospital in the past while the remaining 57 are receiving necessary medical treatment.

Ministry of Health


14 June 2020

June 13: 24 new cases from quarantined returnees

Twenty four patients (24) were diagnosed positive for COVID-19 today in tests carried out for individuals who had completed their quarantine time at Adibara Quarantine Center – Gash Barka Region, Forto Sawa Sub-zone.

In the past two months, 1370 nationals who returned home through irregular land routes from the Sudan were quarantined in Adibara. Out of these, 117 individuals were released after due processes while 1253 persons still remain quarantined in the Center.

Although the movement of peoples remains banned in the region as a whole, 7158 nationals have returned home through land and sea routes from Ethiopia, Sudan, Djibouti as well as Yemen in the past two months. 3,135 persons still remain in 47 quarantine centers throughout the country.

In addition to the ongoing random testing, all individuals have to undergo, as a normative procedure, testing prior to their release from the quarantine centers. The total number of confirmed cases in the county to-date has now risen to 65.

39 of these have recovered fully and were released from hospital in the past while the remain

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